The requirements of the EPB regarding the heating system cover all systems, whether individual or collective using gas or oil and water as a coolant as well as any water heaters. This regulation is called in French “réglementation chauffage PEB” or “arrêté chauffage PEB”. This regulation has been in effect since 1st January 2011 and was updated on 1st January 2019.
What are the obligations regarding heating system?
The heating system reception (la réception des systèmes de chauffage)
The heating system periodic inspection (le contrôle périodique des chaudières)
The heating system diagnosis (le diagnostic des systèmes de chauffage)
Who should carry out these controls?
Why ask CertiBru to perform this control instead of your heating contractor?
What are the obligations regarding heating system?
There are 3 interventions required:
1 - The heating system reception (la réception des systèmes de chauffage)
This operation is to be performed during the installation of a new boiler (for a new installation or replacement of an old installation).
Click here for more information and pricing about the heating system reception.
2 - The heating system periodic inspection (le contrôle périodique des chaudières)
We do not provide this inspection, which is often supported by your heating contractor during the warranty period of the boiler water heater, or as part of a maintenance contract.
3 - The heating system diagnosis (le diagnostic des systèmes de chauffage)
This operation is an audit of your heating system. Its purpose is to allow you to save energy.
This diagnosis of the heating system must be made every 5 years only for type 2 installation (one boiler greater than 100 kW (100 kW included) or several boilers). Click here for more information and pricing about the diagnosis of the heating systems.
Who should carry out these controls?
In French it is the RIT (responsable des installations technique) which means the person responsible for the technical installation. That is to say, the owner of the boiler, or the co-owners (represented by a property management company) in the case of a common boiler.
If the facility is subject to an environmental permit, then the person or the company which is licensed for this environment permit, who will carry on this responsibility.
Why ask CertiBru to perform this control instead of your heating contractor?
We are 100% independent towards your heating contractor.
By using CertiBru, you are guaranteed of an independent work, always in accordance with the law and in your best interests.